[BIO97 Logo] The British Informatics Olympiad is
the computing competition for schools.

BIO'97 was sponsored by Data Connection.
[Data Connection logo]
The 1997 British Informatics Olympiad

The 1997 British Informatics Olympiad is now over. The top competitors, out of the 450 students from the 67 schools who participated, competed at the final, at Christ's College, Cambridge, from 11-13 April, 1997.

The best four made up the team which represented Britain at IOI'97 in Cape Town, South Africa. They were: Robert Brady, Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College; Mohan Ganesalingam, Westminster College; Simon Nickerson, Bedford School; Stephen Williams, Torquay Boys' Grammar School. Mohan won a bronze medal.

A reserve was also chosen: Colin Towers, Whitgift School.

The other finalists were: Anthony Bowker, Bablake School; Tom Fraser and Mark Gardner, Aylesbury Grammar School; Paul Johnston, Manchester Grammar School; James Lingard, Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge; Chris Rutter, Winchester College; Gavin Winston, Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe.

See the links below for information about BIO'97.

General information can be found through the BIO Index, including:

[BIO97 Poster Thumbnail]
Poster small (60k)
Poster large (295k)

The main sponsor of BIO'97 was Data Connection, one of the UK's most successful software development companies.

Antony Rix contact details